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Ueno Park Map

Shinobazu Pond, Ueno

Ueno 上野 is located in a district in the north of central Tokyo. Ueno is well known for many cultural and historical places, for example, the Ueno Park and Zoo. From historic buildings associated with a Tokugawa family temple from the Edo era, to cultural facilities like the National Museum, there are many worthwhile sightseeing attractions in Ueno. If you are interested in Japanese traditional culture and the older neighbourhoods of Tokyo, Ueno is a great place to visit.

(1) Takenodai Square at Ueno Park (Ueno Onshi Kouen Park) 上野恩賜公園 竹の台広場
(2) Ueno Zoological Garden 上野動物園
(3) Tokyo National Museum 東京国立博物館
(4) National Science Museum 東京国立科学博物館
(5) The National Museum of Western Art 東京国立美術館
(6) Toshogu Shrine 上野東照宮
(7) Shinobazu Pond 不忍池
(8) Shitamachi Museum 下町風俗博物館 Web site | A few photos
(9) Ameyoko Shopping Street アヤ横丁
(10) Yokoyama Taikan Memorial Museum 横山大観記念館
(11) Kaneiji Temple 寛永寺
(12) International Library of Children's Literature 国際子供図書館
(13) University Art Museum 東京芸術大学大学美術館
(14) Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum 東京都美術館
(15) Ueno Royal Museum 上野の森美術館
(16) Kyu-Iwasaski-tei Garden 旧岩崎邸庭園
(17) Ueno Matsuzakaya Department Store 上野松坂屋

Ueno Contents

Historic Neighbourhoods of Tokyo | Ueno - Top page
How to get to the Ueno Neighbourhood
Ueno, Tokyo - Sightseeing Attractions Part 1
Ueno, Tokyo - Sightseeing Attractions Part 2
Ueno Zoo 

Ueno Park Map
