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Koenji Awa-odori Dnce Festival | Aug. 26 - 27, 2023

Began in 1957, Koenji Awa-odori dance festival became a popular event held every summer. 10,000 dancers will join, and a million visitors come to see their performance.


Awa-odori is a unique folk dance originally started in Tokushima Prefecture of Shikoku Island. The feature of Awa-odori festival is that dancers and musicians parade through streets while dancing synchronously in lines. Awa-odori dance is so popular that the dancing events are held in many cities in Japan.

In Tokyo, many Awa-odori festivals are enjoyed in summer and the Koenji Awa-odori festival is one of the largest.

Koenji Awa-odori Dnce Festival

August 26th(Sat) - 27th(Sun) 2023 
from 17:00 - 20:00
Location: Koenji, Nakano-ku, Tokyo

Youtube by J:Com Channel https://youtu.be/EldZaQNXMHo

Official website of Koenji Awaodori

Getting there
From JR Shinjuku Station JR新宿駅, take the Sobu-sen train or Chu-sen train, then get off at Koenji Station JR高円寺駅
(Travel time 6 – 10 min.)