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Sawara-no Taisai Festival in autumn | Oct. 13 - 15. 2023

During the 3-day festival, various events are staged on streets in Sawara old town, featuring the parade of Dashi floats decorated with giant Samurai dolls, accompanied of traditional festival music "Sawara-bayashi".

Sawara-no Taisai is a traditional festival held in Sawara, a natural waterway district known for its cherished old townscape. With a 300-year history or more, Sawara Taisai has been designated as a significant intangible folk cultural asset of Japan.

Sawara-no Taisai Festival in autumn 
佐原の大祭 秋祭り

October 13th(Fri) - 15th(Sun) 2023 from 10:00AM to 10:00PM 
Location: Sawara in Katorishi city (Near Sawara station)) , Chiba prefecture

Katori City guide

Youtube by zipang sky https://youtu.be/Vx9U_f02HVc

Related article on digi-joho TOKYO: Attractions in Sawara and Katori City, Chiba Prefecture